In the News

Grant Mitchell discusses Every Cure’s mission, challenges in health tech entrepreneurship, impact assessment, future innovations, and advice for aspiring entrepreneurs. Share this

Rare diseases often require innovative treatments, but not always brand-new ones. This research nonprofit deploys AI as a matchmaker between doctors and existing medications. Share

The alliance will focus specifically on enhancing clinical trials and their outcomes to boost trial success rates and the efficient use of capital by drug

ABC News’ Rebecca Jarvis looks at artificial intelligence’s role in the medical field and how it’s allowing doctors to expand their research and make decisions

We talk with a doctor who discovered a cure for rare diseases with the help of artificial intelligence. Share this

A nonprofit that seeks to repurpose approved drugs for new indications will receive more than $48 million from the U.S. Advanced Research Projects Agency for

Over the past few years, Every Cure has developed a blueprint for an AI-powered platform that can do what humans can’t — match thousands of

Every Cure, cofounded by Penn’s David Fajgenbaum, received a three-year $48 million federal contract to develop an AI tool for rare diseases. Share this

Agency backs non-profit’s agnostic approach to drug repurposing with $48.3M Share this

ABC News chief medical correspondent Dr. Jen Ashton discusses Every Cure’s AI platform that aims to match FDA-approved drugs with diseases currently lacking approved treatments.

The White House is hoping to use AI to match already approved drugs with untreated diseases. The federal government is giving nonprofit Every Cure nearly

New database aims to match rare-disease patients with drugs on pharmacy shelves Share this

The three-year, $48.3 million ARPA-H contract will supercharge Every Cure’s work to identify existing medicines that can be repurposed to treat currently untreated diseases. Share

Dr. David Fajgenbaum saved his own life by tracking down a generic drug that cured his rare and deadly disease. Now with nonprofit Every Cure,

Every Cure is a non-profit, founded by Dr. David Fajgenbaum following his brush with a near-fatal rare disease that doctors struggled to diagnose, that finds new uses for

This Challenge is a bold initiative to incubate innovations by healthcare start-ups and entrepreneurs across disciplines and sectors to responsibly and equitably use artificial intelligence

AI has also enabled the discovery of a new application for an existing drug in treating a rare disease, iMCD. This development represents a significant breakthrough,

The Fierce 50 special report shines a spotlight on those who are making a significant impact and driving progress in the pharmaceutical, healthcare and biotech

Since the advent of modern medicine, the scientific community has developed more than 3,000 drugs for thousands of diseases. Despite significant progress, there are more

He’s alive thanks to a repurposed drug. Now his dream is to find cures for millions of people from among drugs we already have. Share

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