Unlocking Cures for Those Who Need Them Most

Our Approach

We are pioneering a new approach: to interrogate all of the world’s biomedical knowledge to find the most promising opportunities across all drugs and all diseases

In contrast to the traditional one drug or one disease approach, we apply AI to biomedical data to identify the most promising opportunities across all 18.5K recognized diseases and 3K drugs — work which our AI platform can complete within days. AI can rapidly uncover existing connections that are “hiding in plain sight,” allowing us to scale our approach with greater speed, breadth and success rate than any existing method.

Using our AI platform’s output as a starting point, we work with medical experts, physicians, drug companies, academics and patient advocacy groups to quantify the strength of evidence for every drug-disease match and prioritize those with highest potential to relieve suffering.

For each potential drug-disease match, we go through a four-stage repurposing process:

Identify high-potential matches

Every Cure is building the world’s most comprehensive, publicly available AI platform for drug repurposing. We are training machine-learning algorithms to recognize patterns of connections between drugs, the diseases they are known to treat and the proteins, genes, etc., that are associated with the treatment. Our algorithm compares these patterns for known treatments to the connections that link every other drug and disease, and assigns each match a score between 0 and 1 based on their potential as a treatment.

Prioritize high-potential drug-disease matches

Among the millions of scores our AI platform will generate, we will use input from medical experts and patients to further prioritize those with the most potential. Matches are within scope if the drug is FDA-approved, generic and actively manufactured — and the disease is severe and undertreated, leading to premature death, short lifespan or disability.

Generate evidence for high-potential matches

We generate evidence to change clinical practice — in other words, how physicians treat patients. To do so, our team of scientists and medical professionals assess the level of evidence available for the match, and consult with leading experts in the field. Once evidence gaps are identified, Every Cure will support and facilitate filling those gaps with the necessary preclinical experiments and clinical trials.

Disseminate successful use cases

For each match, we will research the total addressable market, mapping where patients are and how to reach them. We will engage patient advocacy groups in each step of our repurposing process. Health equity is central to our work. Our strategy democratizes access to knowledge and treatments for the most disadvantaged communities, by focusing on accessible and inexpensive drugs, disseminating scores for all treatment options, and repurposing drugs for those who are most in need.



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