How you can help save more lives

There are so many patients that still need to be reached with repurposed drugs and Every Cure needs your support on our mission to save lives.. Here’s how you can help us:

1. Subscribe to our newsletter.

2. Amplify our work on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

3. Learn and share with others about repurposed treatments we are helping to advance like leucovorin for autism spectrum disorder.

4. If you have repurposing suggestions click here or experiences you’d like to share, please email [email protected].

5. Having established deep credibility across the drug repurposing landscape, we strive to be the vital connector within the ecosystem, uniting partners and fostering collaboration to unlock the full potential of existing medicines. Interested in a partnership? Email us at .

5. Donate to enable our research.


Prefer to send a check by mail? Make out to: “Every Cure” and send to:

Every Cure
3675 Market Street, Suite 200
Philadelphia, PA 19104
If you need assistance with your donation or would like additional information, contact us at .

Every Cure, Inc. (“Every Cure”) is a nonprofit organization with tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (EIN: 92-0240717). Your donation qualifies as a deductible charitable contribution under Internal Revenue Code Section 170, to the extent permitted by law.

Every Cure provides research grants to nonprofit institutes and universities to fund research in drug repurposing. Please note that Every Cure has a Board-directed policy that does not allow for the payment of indirect/F&A costs to nonprofit institutions.

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