Every Cure Insights Experts

Every Cure is powered by the amazing experts we connect with—like you! Join us in making a difference to patients’ lives by signing up to support our mission. 

Anyone with deep expertise in a disease! Whether researcher, physician, other medical professional, drug discovery expert, patient, or patient advocate!
We’re also eager to connect with experts in drug discovery or therapeutics to learn about the latest advancements in treatments!

Your insights are crucial in identifying promising drug repurposing opportunities! By sharing your knowledge with the Every Cure medical team, you help us:

Stay updated on the latest advancements in research
Better understand patient needs and disease-specific challenges

If we’re exploring a treatment for a disease related to your expertise, we may invite you to:

Join a 30-minute call to share your insights on the disease or treatment
There’s also a chance we might not reach out if your expertise doesn’t align with our current focus
We will never ask or want you to share information which is patient-identifiable or commercially / competitively sensitive

This is a completely voluntary role
You decide how much time to dedicate — it’s entirely up to you

Please email [email protected] with the subject ‘Remove me as an Insights Expert’ with your contact information

 Have you also considered submitting a repurposing suggestion?


The information collected in this form and in any related conversations that ensue between Every Cure and Insights Experts will be used solely for the purpose of advancing Every Cure’s mission to identify and repurpose treatments for diseases.
By submitting this form, you confirm that the information you provide to Every Cure now and in the future is accurate to the best of your knowledge. Please do not include or disclose any sensitive, confidential, proprietary, personally identifying, or patient information.
For more information on how we use and protect your data, please refer to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
Submission of this form does not create any partnership, obligation, or guarantee of collaboration between Insights Experts and Every Cure.

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