Scientific Advisory Board

Tudor Oprea


Tudor I. Oprea is a digital drug hunter with three decades of experience in knowledge management and artificial intelligence applied to target and drug discovery. He co-developed ChemGPS, the “lead-like approach”, systems chemical biology and a knowledge-based classification for human proteins. He co-discovered the first GPER agonist (orphan drug designated since 2021) and GPER antagonist, several GLUT transporter inhibitors and other chemical probes.  His machine learning models include cheminformatics and drug discovery, disease and target biology.  He co-developed DrugCentral and Pharos, as part of the NIH Common Fund project Illuminating the Druggable Genome Knowledge Management Center where he served as PI (2014-2022). In the last decade, he had Professorship appointments at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Technical University of Denmark, and University of Gothenburg. He is currently CEO of Expert Systems Inc, a Teal Ventures company based in San Diego, and Professor Emeritus, UNM School of Medicine. He co-authored over 330 publications, 11 granted US patents, and edited 2 books on informatics in drug discovery. His Google Scholar profile is at

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